
AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club

亞凱迪亞高中華裔家長會 (AHSCPBC) 在此誠摯地邀請您加入我們的行列! 27年來因為熱心家長的加入,華裔家長會才能在學校與家長間搭起橋樑,與華裔家長一同有系統有組織的支持學校與學生。您的加入是參與支持的開始。請填妥會員申請表格,會費捐款為$20或以上,款項應可抵稅 (請諮詢您的會計師)。捐款時請務必:  在" write a note" 的地方填寫學生姓名與ID! 

We cordially invite you to join the Arcadia High School Chinese Parents Booster Club.  Your membership is your support for the CPBC, AHS, and our students.  Membership donation is $20 or more. Your monetary donation  is tax-deductible (please consult your tax preparer).  Please make sure to provide us with student name and ID under "write a note" when making the donation.   

AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2024.04.19 meeting



Date: Friday, April 19, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm Meet and Greet / 7:00 pm Meeting

Location: AHS MPR 高中多功能廳



The theme of April meeting is to find a balance between academic achievements and mental health. Relevant surveys show that "peer pressure" and "parental expectations" have become the main factors affecting teenagers' anxiety (depression). The fast-growing and competitive academic world forces our teenagers to manage their pressure far beyond their cognitive ability. Even students with excellent grades are inevitably experiencing anxiety and depression. Our children need perfect GPA, wonderful activities to be admitted to top universities, but it may also cost a lot. As parents, what should we do when our teenagers may feel depressed, anxiety or even commit suicide? What if our teenagers feel great pressure because they can't perform well in their studies? Please listen to the advice provided by the expert on how to help teenagers maintain their studies and physical and mental health in today's highly competitive world. Let's learn together and support our children comprehensively and effectively. The seminar will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese. Q & A session will follow at the end.



親愛的家長們,4月月會主題是找到學術成就與心理健康的平衡點。相關調查顯示,“升學壓力”“父母期望”等成為影響青少年焦慮(抑鬱)的主要因素。高速發展與競爭激烈的學術世界迫使我們的青少年在遠遠超出其認知能力的水平上管理他們的壓力,即使成績優秀的學生也不可避免正在經歷焦慮和抑鬱。我們的孩子需要高 GPA 高活動高運動才能被頂級大學錄取,但是也可能面臨巨大的代價。作為父母,當我們的青少年可能感到抑鬱,焦慮甚至自殺時,我們該怎麼辦?如果我們的青少年因爲無法在學業上表現優秀而感到巨大壓力時該怎麼辦?請來聽聽專家就如何幫助青少年在現今高競爭世界中保持學業和身心健康提供的良好建議。讓我們共同學習,全面地有效地支持我們的孩子。講座為中文演講,會後有答疑時間,歡迎大家踊跃参加!


Arcadia High School Chinese Parents Booster Club





Our Mission

亞凱迪亞高中華裔家長會 (AHSCPBC) 致力於增進華裔家長及學生與學校的互相了解; 促進其參與學校、學區、家長會(PTSA), 及校內各社團的各項活動; 協助學校及學生的活動所需; 為家長及學生傳遞有關學校、學區、教育、義工活動等重要信息.

The Arcadia High School Chinese Parents Booster Club is committed to enhance mutual communication between our school, parents, and students;  enable active participation and coordination with AHS, school district, PTSA, and other organizations related to our school; assist AHS and students meet their needs in school activities; provide information regarding AHS, school district, education, volunteer service,  and other related activities. 

2023-2024 AHS CPBC Installation

Our Commitment & Contribution

從1993年成立以來,亞凱迪亞高中華裔家長會積極參與支持高中及學區的各項事務。家長會每年度所慕得的善款全數用於資助學術隊、音樂團隊、體育隊、舞蹈隊、戲劇團隊,  亞市教育基金會,高中演藝中心,及為學校添置設備等等,每年並且頒發優秀畢業生獎學金。 

Since 1993, AHSCPBC has played an active role in supporting Arcadia High School and the Arcadia School District. Over the years, through the support of our members and the community, we provide mini grants to support AHS and its academic teams, music groups, athletic teams, Orchesis, Theater, Arcadia Education Foundation, and Arcadia Performance Arts. We also award scholarships to AHS seniors.


慶祝2023中國新年,亞凱迪亞高中華裔家長會於1/28/2023 11:00-15:00 在高中表演藝術中心中庭舉行新年籌款園游會



Our Activities

7月新生茶會  茶會特刊鏈截New Parents Tea Party  Click here for Newsletter
春晚, 會月及其他活動New Year Gala, Monthly Meetings & Other Activities
亞凱迪亞高中Apache New  家長會2020春晚報導APN Report: Chinese Booster's Chinese 2020 New Year Gala
