2024 年 月會

AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2024.03.08 meeting



Date: Friday, March 08, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm Meet and Greet / 7:00 pm Meeting

Location: AHS MPR 高中多功能廳


Course selection for the next school year is coming up. We have studied the curriculum guide and consulted with AHS counselors to present you with this course selection seminar at our March meeting. We will be discussing high school 4-year plan, graduation requirements, CSU/UC requirements, humanity track, STEM track, AP courses, CTE courses, etc. The seminar will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese. Q&A session will follow at the end.


親愛的家長們,冬去春來,學生們要面臨為下學期選課的重要環節了!相信許多家長在對如何幫助孩子選課,以及如何做好四年課程規劃等相關話題想要更多的了解。高中華裔家長會為此做了特別的準備,我們研究了課程指南並咨詢了學校輔導員,邀請了經驗豐富的家長和大家讨论高中4年規劃、畢業要求、CSU/UC要求、人文專業路徑、STEM 路徑、AP课程、CTE课程等,并提供問答時間。講座以中文講解,歡迎大家踊跃参加!


Curriculum Guide PPT 

AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2024.1.12 meeting

Date: Friday, January 12, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm Meet and Greet / 7:00 pm Meeting

Location: AHS Lecture Hall 高中演讲廳


Please join AHS CPBC January meeting. The topic of the seminar is ‘Summer Program’. Our CPBC board member will share her valuable program research experience with you. We will also hold the ‘Gary Zuo Scholarship Ceremony’.

Q&A session will follow at the end of the meeting. All parents and students are welcome. 




Gary Zuo Scholarship Awards 

Summer Program PPT - 1            Summer Program PPT - 2 

Video Recording - Summer Program 

亞凱迪亞高中華裔家長會2024 春晚門票熱賣中!

各位家長朋友們!第31屆亞凱迪亞高中華裔家長會中國新年籌款晚會將於2024年2月17日星期六 Arcadia Masonic Center舉辦。屆時眾多社區各界來賓暨校長, 老師, 家長和學生們將共濟一堂,  歡迎大家一起來參與這一社區的盛事,在為學校籌款的同時,嘗美食, 抽大獎, 觀看精彩的表演, 共度新春佳節並慶祝龍年的到來。

爲了這場盛會,華裔家長會的義工們從九月底便投入到籌備工作中。晚會將有本市著名餐廳提供的美食,舞獅和財神爺為大家增添過年氣氛,還有學生,家長以及專業表演隊提供的精彩表演,也有幸運抽獎活動,更有琳琅滿目的各類靜派拍物品。每一位晚會的來賓,還會得到一份設計精美, 咨詢豐富的新年特刊,那是我們廣告組和編輯組義工們給大家奉上的新年禮物。

帶上您的家人和孩子一起來過農曆新年吧!每一位參與晚會的來賓,不只是參與了一場海外難得的農曆新年晚會,讓家人和孩子感受春節的氛圍,同時也是替我們高中籌款。晚會將有320位來賓 (32桌, 每桌10人), 門票$80/張。

请点击链接預購門票 (預購時無需付款,我們將聯係您送票和付款事宜)



2023 年 月會

AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2023.12.1 meeting

Date: Friday, December 1, 2023
Time: 6:30 pm Meet and Greet / 7:00 pm Meeting

Location: AHS MPR 高中多功能廳




Nathan Farrington: 阿卡迪亚高中学生家长,加州大学圣地亚哥分校计算机博士。曾就职于脸书、谷歌,现就职于Airbnb为软件工程师。在Dana初中领导ACSL全美计算机科学联赛小组项目,教计算机理论和编程。 AHS parent, Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of California, San Diego. Worked at Facebook, Google, and currently a software engineer at Airbnb. Leads the ACSL program at Dana Middle School, teaching computer science theory and programming. 

Andrew Nakamura: 阿卡迪亚高中校友家长。IT行业20年经验,专攻于系统和数据管理。现为安全方面专家。 AHS Alumni parent, over 20 years of experience in the IT field, specializing in system and database administration. Current role as a security professional. 

Thomas Tang: 阿卡迪亚高中2017年毕业生,加州大学圣地亚哥分校计算机专业。现任职微软软件工程师。 AHS graduate of 2017, studied computer science at UC San Diego. Currently working at Microsoft as a Software Engineer.

Please join AHS CPBC December meeting. The topic of the seminar is “IT Career Path”.  CPBC will invite three professionals in this field to share their insights of the IT industry and career development based on their own experience with you. The seminar will be conducted in English. Q&A session will follow at the end of the meeting. All parents and students are welcome. 

月会说明                AEF You&Me Community Grant 

Video Recording  -1          

Video Recording  -2           PPT-2 


AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2023.10.13 meeting

Date: Friday, Oct 13, 2023
Time: 6:30 pm Meet and Greet / 7:00 pm Meeting

Location: AHS Lecture Hall 高中演講廳


Please join AHS CPBC October meeting. The topic of the seminar is “Career Path and Development”.  CPBC will invite four professionals to share their career development based on their own experience with you. Q&A session will follow at the end of the meeting. All parents are welcome. 




AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2023.09.07 meeting


Date: Thursday, Sept 07, 2023

Time: 6:30 pm Meet and Greet / 7:00 pm Meeting

Location: AHS-MPR 高中多功能廳


AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club is inviting school officials and student representatives to our first meeting of the new school year. PTSA President, Music Club President and Athletic Booster Club President will meet and greet with parents. ASB, Link Crew and SMW representatives will come to introduce the function of the student organizations.  Assistant Principal Michelle Lew will present 2023 AHS Graduation data and Student Survey, and our Career/College Counselor Joanna Moreno will also meet parents .  Q&A session will follow at the end of the meeting. .



亞凱迪亞高中華裔家長會新學年首次月會將於9/7(週四)晚上6:30開始聯誼,7點開始,有簡單茶點招待。這次月會將請來學校官員及學生代表和大家見面。PTSA主席,音樂社主席,體育社主席將和大家見面和相互認識,以期待在新學年給大家提供幫助。學生社團包括ASB, Link Crew及SMW的學生代表也將出席並給大家介紹各組織角色,功能,每年舉辦的活動,如何加入以及加入的要求和益處等信息,希望大家對這些學生組織有更多的瞭解。最後,職業規劃/大學輔導員Ms. Joanna Moreno將做自我介紹,副校長Michelle Lew將給大家作2023年畢業生數據分析及學生調查報告。會後有答疑時間。

此次月會,信息量豐富實用,是幫助家長和學生們更多了解學校的好機會。月會前还有二手書籍義賣, 包括AP/SAT/ACT 複習書,參考資料, 課本等, 歡迎大家踴躍參加!

2023 AHS CPBC Welcome Freshmen and Families Orientation


Date and Time: 7/19/23 Wednesday 6:30pm Social time,7:00pm Meeting begins

Location: AHS Multi-Purpose Room (高中多功能廳)

AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club will host its annual Welcome Freshmen and Families Orientation on 7/19/23 6:30pm-9pm. We will invite Principal Dr. Angie Dillman to meet with you and share school information. In addition, 2023 graduate and parent will share their personal experiences through the four years of high school. Each of you will get one resourceful newsletter. Refreshments will be provided. The meeting will be conducted mainly in Mandarin Chinese.  

To become the AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club member:

1. Click “Join us today” 

2.  Or fill out the attached “CPBC membership form” and return it to us with your membership fee.



說明會將於週三晚6:30開始聯誼, 7點正式開始。會中將詳細介紹入學註冊程序、網上表格填寫、各個校隊和學生社團的參與、新生注意事項、選課技巧、時間管理等話題。亞凱迪亞高中新校長Dr.Angie Dillman將於大家見面,並與您分享學校方面的資訊。此外,我們還特別邀請優秀應屆畢業生和資深家長分别分享高中學校生活以及陪伴孩子的心路歷程。


停車:請把車停在Campus Dr.路邊或Performing Art Center停車場 (Campus Dr.和E Monte Ave 交界角落, 參照附件地圖) 。



1.  進入網站:www.ahscpbc.org,點擊“請加入我們的行列”,按照指示交會員費和填寫會員信息。

2.  或者填寫附件中的表格,在茶會時連同會員費交還給我們。

高中地圖: Campus Map-MPR and parking.jpg 

迎新會邀請信: 2023 Tea Party Invitation flyer 

會議議程: Agenda 

會員表格: CPBC Membership Form and Q_A 

註冊説明: Apache Day

2023 迎新特刊: 2023 迎新特刊 

Video and PPT 

Athletics Director PPT  

畢業生分享: Weber's speech video      Weber Lin's PPT

家長分享: Lesley's speech video            Lesley's PPT

CPBC 2023.5.11 Meeting



Date: Thursday,5/11/2023

Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Location: AHS Lecture Hall 亞凱迪亞高中演講廳


Please join us for our May meeting. We will be presenting checks to the CPBC Annual Mini Grant recipients and “Gary Zuo Academic Team Scholarship and Grant” recipients. You will have the chance to meet with sports coaches, music director, dance team members, academic team students, etc. We will also be introducing our 2022-23 executive board members. It is our last meeting of the school year and hope to see you there!


尊敬的華裔家長們,  大家好!




高中華裔家長會五月月會,將於5月11日週四晚上七點在高中演講廳 (Lecture Hall) 舉行。這也是2022-23學年的最後一次月會。經過一年的籌款,今年家長會將有超過$50,000回饋學校及各團體。在本次月會中,我們將對音樂社,舞蹈隊,運動隊和老師等小額贈款獲得者以及“左光榮學術隊獎學金與基金”獲得者頒發支票。此外,我們還將介紹2023-24高中華裔家長會核心團隊。歡迎家長學生踴躍參加!

CPBC 2023.4.14 Meeting



Date: Friday,4/14/2023

Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Location: AHS MPR 亞凱迪亞高中多功能廳


In the CPBC April meeting, we will introduce AHS administration team and their responsibilities. We also introduce AHS Student Organizations, Student Clubs and Academic Teams. In addition, we will introduce music and performing arts programs such as Dance, Theater, Stage, Choir, Band, etc.  This informative seminar will be conducted in Chinese by our experienced parents. Q & A session at the end. Please come to join us!



1. 介紹高中管理團隊與職責,以幫助家長在遇到問題時找到相應的管理人員去解決。

2. 介紹高中學生組織,學生社團和學術隊,以引導學生加入感興趣的團體。

3. 介紹高中舞蹈,戲劇,軍樂隊,合唱隊等既是表演藝術課也屬於課外活動的課程。 



AHS Music and Performing Arts Programs 高中表演藝術與音樂課程                               

AHS Academic Teams & Organizations 高中學術隊和學生組織    

AHS Administration Team 高中管理團隊 


2023.3.3 月會錄像-高中四年課程規劃

高中華裔家長會/Chan Family 優秀畢業生獎學金已經開始申請了!




2. 四年平均 GPA 3.5或以上

3. 熱心社區服務以及參加課外活動

4. 熱愛中國文化, 呈交一篇相關論文。

歡迎符合資格的2023年畢業生申請!截至日期5/7/2023,獎學金將在 6/1/2023 Senior Award Night 上頒發。 

AHS CPBC /Chan Family 獎學金申請鏈接:



AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2023.03.03 meeting



Date: Friday, March 03, 2023

Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Location: AHS MPR 亞凱迪亞高中多功能廳


Course selection for the next school year is coming up. We have studied the curriculum guide and consulted with school counselor to present you with this course selection seminar at our March meeting. We will be discussing high school 4-year plan, graduation requirement, CSU/UC requirements, humanity track, STEM track, AP courses, CTE courses, etc. Q&A session at the end. Seminar will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese.


親愛的家長們大家好!冬去春來,學生們要面臨為下學期選課的重要環節了!相信許多家長在對如何幫助孩子選課,以及如何做好四年課程規劃等相關話題想要更多的了解。高中華裔家長會為此做了特別的準備,我們研究了課程指南並咨詢了學校輔導員,邀請了經驗豐富的家長和大家讨论高中4年規劃、畢業要求、CSU/UC要求、人文專業路徑、STEM 路徑、AP课程、CTE课程等,并提供問答時間。講座以中文講解,歡迎大家踊跃参加!


2023.3.3 月會錄像-高中四年課程規劃

HS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2023.1.13 meeting



Date: Friday, Jan 13, 2023

Time: 6:30 pm Meet and Greet / 7:00 pm Meeting

Location: AHS MPR (高中多功能廳)


Dear Parents, Happy New Year! Best wishes for a healthy and safe 2023.  For AHS CPBC’s first meeting of the new year, we invited three exceptional AHS alumnus to share their college experience. 1) How to transfer from Pasadena Community College to a four-year university and student life after transfer 2) college life at Tufts University, study abroad program experience, summer internships and job placement 3) undergraduate, graduate program, and summer internship experiences.  

There will be Q&A session at the end of the meeting. All parents and students are welcome to attend. 


親愛的家長們,新年快樂!在此祝願大家在新的一年裏健康平安!高中華裔家長會2023年的第一次月會,特别邀请到三位AHS的優秀校友,来跟大家分享他们在大學期間不同的學習經驗及生活體會:1. 如何從PCC轉學到USC以及轉到USC后的生活和學習以及轉學后的想法;2. Tufts 大學的學習和生活,實習以及海外游學體驗;3. 從USC本科到哥倫比亞大學研究生,如何選擇專業以及申請實習機會等等。會後有提問答疑時間。歡迎家長和學生踴躍參加。



Lawrence Sung: 2021 AHS校友。2021-2022 在PCC就讀。2022 秋季轉入USC就讀大學二年級。專業是國際關係(Global Business)。喜歡政治,歷史,文化和旅行。

Isabella Liu:2019 AHS校友。目前是Tufts 大學大四學生,主修量化經濟學,輔修金融。曾在Cliffwater 和BlackRock 實習。參加過歐洲游學計劃。2023年春季畢業后將入職紐約BlackRock。

Allyson Tong:2018 AHS校友。2018-2021 就讀於USC, 並取得Linguistics and Cognitive Science (語言學和認知科學)雙學位。2021年進入哥倫比亞大學攻讀Occupational Therapy 碩士學位。將於2023年春季畢業。



PPT 1: Lawrence Sung, USC 

PPT 2: Isabella Liu, Tufts  

2022 年 月會

AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2022.12.15 meeting



Date: Thursday, Dec 15, 2022

Time: 6:30 pm Meet and Greet / 7:00 pm Meeting

Location: AHS MPR (高中多功能廳)


Dear Parents, many of you may want to discover how music education can affect a student's development and how to excel in this journey.  For the December AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club meeting, we invited Mr. Owen Chou, who has over 30 years of teaching experience in music and art. Mr. Chou will share the benefit of music in different stages of a student's development; the importance of participation in Band and Orchestra; how competition and level advancement may affect college admission; as well as how long-term artistic involvement changes lives.  This presentation will be conducted in Chinese.  There will be a Q&A session at the end of the meeting.   We welcome parents and students to join this meeting.


各位親愛的家長,相信很多家長都想瞭解音樂學習對於孩子人生的影響以及如何在音樂的道路上走下去。高中華裔家長會12月月會, 特別邀請了有30多年在音樂和藝術領域有豐富的教學經驗的Owen Chou 老師來和家長們分享學習音樂對各年齡段學童的益處,參加學校 Band and Orchestra 的重要性,還有考級和比賽對學生申請大學的幫助, 以及長期的藝術修養對學生的影響等等。 會後有提問答疑時間。會議用中文講解。歡迎家長踴躍參加。



AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2022.10.07 meeting



Date: Friday, Oct 07, 2022

Time: 6:30pm 聯誼/7:00pm 會議  

Location: AHS MPR (高中多功能廳)


Please join CPBC October meeting. The topic of the seminar is “Introduction and selection of Summer Activities”.  CPBC’s senior parents have collected and summarized relevant information on various types of summer activities based on their own experience, including various types of summer camps such as academics, leadership, music art and sports, as well as summer jobs and volunteers. Q&A at the end. Meeting will be conducted in Chinese. There will be used book sale for fundraising onsite. All parents are welcome.





Meeting Agenda   Book Sale 

Summer Program Presentation 


Sept 09, 2022

Time: 6:30 pm Meet and Greet / 7:00 pm Meeting

Location: AHS-MPR 高中多功能廳


AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club is inviting school officials and student representatives to our first meeting of the new school year. PTSA President, Music Club President and Athletic Booster Club President will meet and greet with parents. ASB, Link Crew and SMW representatives will come to introduce the function of the student organizations.  Assistant Principal Michelle Lew will present 2022 AHS Graduation data and Student Survey, and introduce our new Career/College Counselor.  Q&A session will follow at the end of the meeting. Parents and students are welcome to join our meeting.


各位親愛的家長們,新學年好!亞凱迪亞高中華裔家長會新學年首次月會將於9/9(週五)晚上6:30開始聯誼,7點開始,有簡單茶點招待。這次月會將請來學校官員及學生代表和大家見面。PTSA主席,音樂社主席,體育社主席將和大家見面和相互認識,以期待在新學年給大家提供幫助。學生社團包括ASB, Link Crew及SMW的學生代表也將出席並給大家介紹各組織:角色,功能,每年舉辦的活動,如何加入以及加入的要求和好處等信息,希望大家對這些學生組織有更多的瞭解。最後,新來的職業規劃/大學輔導員Ms. Joanna Moreno將做自我介紹,副校長Michelle Lew將給大家作2022年畢業生數據分析及學生調查報告。會後有答疑時間。





SMW presentation      PTSA presentation  Class 2022 profile


ASB Presentation    Link Crew Presentation 

2022-9-9 月會錄像 


2022 AHS CPBC Welcome Freshmen and Families Orientation



Date and Time: 7/20/22 Wednesday 6:30pm Social time,7:00pm Meeting begins

Location: AHS Multi-Purpose Room (高中多功能廳)

AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club will host its annual Welcome Freshmen and Families Orientation on 7/20/22 6:30pm-9pm. We will invite Principal Dr.Angie Dillman to meet with you and share school information. In addition, 2022 graduate and parent will share their personal experiences through the four years of high school. Refreshment will be provided. All participants are suggested to wear mask. The meeting will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese. 

To become the AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club member:

1.  Please go to www.ahscpbc.org, click “Join us today”

2.  Or fill out the attached “CPBC membership form”and return to us with your membership fee.



說明會將於週三晚6:30開始聯誼, 7點正式開始。會中將詳細介紹入學註冊程序、網上表格填寫、各個校隊和學生社團的參與、新生注意事項、選課技巧、時間管理等話題。亞凱迪亞高中校長Dr.Angie Dillman將於大家見面,並與您分享學校方面的資訊。此外,我們還特別邀請優秀應屆畢業生和資深家長分享各自在學校生活以及陪伴孩子走过高中四年的心路歷程及經驗。



停車:請把車停在Campus Dr.路邊或Performing Art Center停車場 (Campus Dr.和El

   Monte Ave 交界角落, 參照附件地圖) 。



1.  進入網站:www.ahscpbc.org,點擊“請加入我們的行列”,按照指示交會員費和填寫會員信息。

2.  或者填寫附件中的表格,在茶會時連同會員費交還給我們。






Date: Friday,5/20/2022

Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Location: AHS MPR 亞凱迪亞高中多功能廳

尊敬的華裔家長們,  大家好!


家長會五月月會,將於5月20日週五晚上七點在高中多功能廳 (MPR) 舉行。這也是2021-22學年的最後一次月會。家長會將向大家介紹下一年度新晉理事會成員。同時經過一年的籌款,今年家長會有超過$40,000用於小額贈款和奖金的頒發。在本次月會中,我們將對學校優秀學術團隊以及音樂社團,運動隊和老師頒發小額贈款。此外,我們還將介紹2022-23 高中華裔家長會核心團隊。歡迎家長學生踴躍參加!

Please join us for our May meeting. We will be presenting checks to the CPBC Annual Mini Grant recipients. You will have the chance to meet with sports coaches, music director, dance team members, academic team students, etc. We will also be introducing our 2022-23 executive board members. It is our last meeting of the school year and hope to see you there!


AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2022.4.12 meeting

Date: Friday,4/22/2022

Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Location: AHS MPR 亞凱迪亞高中多功能廳



1. 介紹高中管理團隊與職責,以幫助家長在遇到問題時找到相應的管理人員去解決。

2. 介紹學區教委的權責範圍與功能,幫助家長了解學區的運作與監督。

3. 介紹高中學生組織,學生社團,學術隊及運動隊,以引導學生加入感興趣的團體。 


本次月會由資深家長用中文演講,信息量豐富, 希望本次月會能讓家長們對本學區有更多的了解。會後有答疑時間。歡迎家長們踴躍參加!


In the CPBC April meeting, we will introduce AHS administration team and their responsibilities, and the school district Board of Education’s responsibilities and functions. We also introduce AHS Student Organizations, Student Clubs and Academic Teams. This informative seminar will be conducted in Chinese by our experienced parents. Q & A session at the end. Please come to join us!


Arcadia School Board 

AHS Athletics Teams 

AHS Administration Team 

AHS Academic Teams student organizations 


AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2022.3.11 meeting

Date: Friday, March 11, 2022

Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Location: AHS MPR 亞凱迪亞高中多功能廳


親愛的家長們大家好!冬去春來,學生們要面臨為下學期選課的重要環節了!相信許多家長在對如何幫助孩子選課,以及如何做好四年規劃等相關話題想要更多的了解。高中華裔家長會為此做了特別的準備,我們研究了課程指南並咨詢了學校輔導員,邀請了經驗豐富的家長和大家讨论高中4年規劃、畢業要求、CSU/UC要求、人文專業路徑、STEM 路徑、AP课程、CTE课程等,并提供問答時間。講座以中文講解,歡迎大家踊跃参加。

2022.3.11 Meeting Agenda

Four Year Schedule Plan 

AHS Timeline 

CTE课程 at AHS

Curriculum Guide Presentation 


AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2022.1.14 meeting


Date: Friday, January 14, 2022

Time: 7pm


Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/osr-wegz-oee

Or dial: (US) +1 304-774-5069 PIN: 987 465 432#


Dear parents, happy new year! CPBC wish you all health and safety! In view of the recent changes in the pandemic, the January meeting will be held online, and two AHS alumni will be specially invited to share with you their college experience and life experience. Even though they have been in different path, they both work so hard towards the same medical field. Q & A session will be followed. Students and parents are welcome.





Casey Gao:2018 AHS畢業生。目前是UC Riverside 大四學生,主修心理學,并且在學校和一家私人救護車公司擔任急救人員。計劃春季畢業后繼續在醫學領域深造。


Julia Ma:2019 AHS 畢業生。目前是Johns Hopkins 大三學生,雙主修腦神經科學和法語,副修心理學,并在攻讀醫學預科。

2021 年 月會


AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2021.10.8 meeting


Date: Friday, October 8, 2021

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: AHS-MPR


AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club is inviting AHS Career and College Counselor Ms. Amanda Fitts to their October meeting. Ms. Fitts will be analyzing the college admission data of the class of 2021 and demonstrating how to use the college advancement software Naviance. Parents are welcome to join our meeting.


親愛的家長們,高中華裔家長會即將迎來金秋十月的月會,希望跟大家面對面的交流更多寶貴的資訊,以期能夠幫助到更多想要了解學校的家長和學生們。本次月會將請來高中升學輔導員Amanda Fitts來詳細分析2021 AHS畢業生數據,並逐步演示給大家如果使用 Naviance這個申請大學和職業規劃的綜合軟件。相信內容對大家都具有相當高的實用價值,歡迎家長們踴躍參加。

會議PPT: Class of 2021 Profile & Naviance Student


AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2021.9.17 meeting


Date: Friday, Sept 17, 2021

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: AHS-MPR


AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club is inviting school officials and student representative to our first meeting of the new school year. AHS Assistant Principal Michelle Lew will share school information related to the pandemic. Rancho Learning Center Principal Dr. John Tung, AHS Activities Director Mr. Ryan Press will give detailed information on Rancho Learning Center and independent study program during the pandemic. ASB President Briana Hui will introduce programs and activities planned for the students. Q&A session will be followed at the end of the meeting.

各位親愛的家長們好!高中華裔家長會本學年度的首次月會將請來學校官員及學生代表和大家見面。高中副校長Ms.Michelle Lew將於大家分享與疫情有關的高中最新信息。 Rancho Learning Center校長 Dr.John Tung及高中活動主管Mr.Ryan Press將給大家介紹Rancho Learning Center以及以及疫情期間的獨立學習計劃。通過本次月會,希望更準確及時地傳達給大家,在疫情依然存在的大環境下,讓家長們更加了解如何協助孩子們找到適合自己的學習模式和方法。同時,ASB學生會主席Briana Hui也來跟大家見面及介紹相關的訊息和活動。會後有答疑時間。




時間:7/20/21 星期二 6:30pm聯誼, 7:00pm正式開始


地點:高中演講廳 (Lecture Hall)

    亞凱迪亞高中華裔家長會將於2021年7月20日星期二@6:30PM-9:00PM,舉辦一年一度的歡迎新生家長聯誼會和入學註冊説明會。地點在高中演講廳(Lecture Hall)。

說明會將於週二晚6:30開始聯誼, 7點正式開始。會中將詳細介紹入學註冊程序、網上表格填寫、各個校隊和學生社團的參與、新生注意事項、選課技巧、時間管理等話題。亞凱迪亞高中新校長Angie Dillman將於大家見面,並與您分享學校方面的資訊。此外,我們還特別邀請應屆畢業生Tanya Lee和家長Ai Jian分享各自在學校生活以及陪伴孩子走过高中四年的心路歷程及經驗。








日期:二零二一年五月二十一日 星期五


Google Meet: 鏈接:https://meet.google.com/vmm-tcwr-qjs

Join by phone: (US) +1 813-344-2686   PIN: 938 233 944#

各位親愛的家長們好!高中華裔家長會本學年最後一次月會將在5/21 星期五晚上7點舉行。這次我們邀請了三位不同專業的專科醫生來跟大家分享他們在醫學專科生涯規劃中的一些寶貴經驗。演講的內容包括申請醫學院的個人經歷,健康衛生系統的職業選擇,以及如何為申請醫學領域職業做準備。相信對有意申請醫學院校及健康領域專業的學生會大有幫助。歡迎家長和學生們踴躍參加。


Dr. Willian Tseng, 南加州大學凱克醫院腫外科 https://providers.keckmedicine.org/provider/William+W.+Tseng/205580

Dr. kevin Hur南加州大學凱克醫院耳鼻喉科  https://keck.usc.edu/faculty-search/kevin-hur/

Dr. Jennifer Ho, 南加州大學凱克醫院腫瘤放射科  https://keck.usc.edu/faculty-search/jennifer-ho/




Google Meet:鏈接: https://meet.google.com/yof-ucre-nsbJoin by phone:(us) +1 307-312-0388  PIN:244 241 440#

各位親愛的家長,自從去年疫情改變了我們的生活,如何保持身心健康是大家最關心的話題。高中華裔家長會四月月會的主題“飲食運動身心健康”請來三位專家,告訴大家如何通過鍛煉和飲食的調節,進行自我心理健康管理,讓在校學生以及即將離家的準大學生身心都健康,愉快走入人生的下一個段。講員包括高中心理輔導老師 Deja Anderson,執照認證健康管理教練 Beth Moser Chang,執照認證健身教練 Stacey Jeppsen。講座以英文講解,歡迎家長和學生踴躍參加。


AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club 2021.3.19 meeting



Date: Friday, March 19, 2021

Time: 7:00 p.m.  

Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/qqm-zpjc-yjc

Join by phone: 929-276-0516 PIN: 794 455 302#


Please join CPBC March virtual meeting. The topic of the seminar is “Summer Program Opportunities and Introduction of ROTC (Reserved Officers’ Training Corps).  Panelists include current CPBC Co-president Judy Lin and Mr. Stuart Chan who is AHS alumni parent and retired US Army Engineer Officer. Q&A at the end. Meeting will be conducted in Chinese.


各位親愛的家長,暑假是孩子們參加課外活動和夏令營,開闊視野和增長知識的好時機。高中華裔家長會三月月會主題是“暑期活動選擇以及預備役軍官訓練團 (ROTC) 介紹”。家長會會長Judy Lin 將為大家介紹各類型暑期活動的相關信息。另外我們非常榮幸請到高中校友家長,退伍陸軍少校Stuart Chan給大家介紹Boy State和Girl State這兩個在美國高中學生中備受推崇和有競爭性的夏令營。陳少校還給大家介紹預備役軍官訓練團ROTC (Reserved Officers’ Training Corps), 這個項目的要求以及給學生帶來的福利是許多華人家庭所不瞭解的。會後有提問答疑時間。會議用中文講解,歡迎家長踴躍參加。

Panelist 講員簡介


2020 年 月會





鑑於疫情所帶來的各種不確定性,高中家長們對大學升學要求上的改變,以及如何應對這些改 變,都有著許多疑慮。九月份的月會我們非常榮幸地邀請到 UCLA 升學輔導課程教授 (UCLA Extension College Counseling) Megan Wang 給大家帶來關於這方面信息的講座。